Our Story
Solid Rock began in the fall of 2007 when a small group of individuals in the Blissfield area had a dream and a vision of presenting the reality of Jesus Christ in fresh, dynamic, and culturally relevant ways.
At the beginning of 2008 the group began meeting together on
Sunday evenings for worship, renting meeting space from another area church. The fellowship soon became known as Solid Rock Church (SRC) and a few months later became a church plant of and then by the end of the year, a member of the Missionary Church denomination (mcusa.org). The Missionary Church is an evangelical, protestant denomination committed to the ultimate authority of Jesus Christ, the inerrancy of Scripture, and the Great Commission (disciple making, world missions).
In the fall of 2009 SRC began meeting for Sunday worship at the Blissfield Middle School; adult and youth groups continued meeting in homes. But as the church continued to grow, more space was needed for children’s ministries and outreach events.
In 2011 God miraculously opened the door for the congregation to purchase our current ministry facility, a former Blissfield Elementary School building located in the Village of Blissfield. During the next six years, through the generous giving of the church family, the building was extensively updated and renovated, enabling it to be better utilized for ministry and outreach.
From the beginning, SRC has been a community of Christ-followers committed to loving God and loving our neighbors (The Great Commandment). As a fellowship of believers we have intentionally strived to show our love to God and to each other as we GATHER to worship Him, as we GROW in His word, and when we GO out into our world to share the life-changing love of Christ with others.
Our ministries revolve around that mission statement with the purpose of helping others become Christ-followers who love God and love others (The Great Commission).
The story of Solid Rock Church has been an exciting faith journey, a testimony of God’s leading, provision, grace and love. Solid Rock is a safe, grace-filled place where you can either investigate beginning a relationship with God or go deeper as a follower of Jesus. If you’re looking for a loving church home that presents the reality Jesus Christ in a fresh, dynamic, and culturally relevant way, in a smaller family-like atmosphere, we invite you to stop by and check us out.