Daily Devotions help you grow in your faith.
Many people find it difficult to maintain a consistent habit of daily Bible reading. Knowing where to start can be the biggest challenge. We follow the S.O.A.P method which is a simple way to approach , understand, and apply daily Bible readings to our lives.  SOAP is a great way to stay in the word, build relationships, and grow in your faith as individuals and as a church body.
Read the Bible verses indicated in your Daily Reading Plan for the date. Look for ONE verse that stands out. Write it in your journal.
In your own words record the context of the passage. Make an observation of what’s happening, who’s affected, and what’s taking place.
Personalize what you’ve read by asking yourself how it applies to your life right now. Write out how what God is showing you in this scripture can apply to you today.
Take a moment to consider what God has shown you today. Write out a short prayer in your journal concerning what you’ve learned.
ONE CHAPTER PER DAY – WHOLE BIBLE – This plan reads through the entire Bible at an even pace: only one chapter each day! There are 1189 chapters in the Bible, so this plan takes 3+ years to finish completely
CLASSIC BIBLE READING PLAN   –  This plan will take you through the reading of the entire Bible within a year
EXPRESS BIBLE READING PLAN   –  This plan covers a good portion of the Classic Plan, but is designed for those who  may not be able to fit the full reading plan into their schedule.